
16 July 2024

“All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts”.

We meet, greet and depart. In the final analysis, all of us are mere guests in this world. What’s important, however, is how well we played our roles and the lives we have touched.

Today, we bid adieu to our DCDEO, who is promoted and transferred as the Chief DEO of Trongsa Dzongkhag administration.

As we celebrate Sonam’s success, we remember his contributions to the cause of education in PemaGatshel and wish him the very best as he prepares to work relentlessly for the education system in Trongsa.

There is no greater mission than education. If education succeeds, the nation succeed. It’s that simple!

We will miss your presence and energy. Good luck and God speed.