Khar gewog has an area of 135.74 square kilometers sharing borders with Dungmaed, Chongshing and Choekhorling gewogs. The Gewog consist of 5 chiwogs namely Khar-Yagyur, Khengzor-Labar, Shinangri, Bongmaan and Nagtseri-Tsebar. It has a population of about 3960 with 453 households in the 14 villages. The Gewog is connected by 55 km of feeder road which will connect Pema Gatshel and Nganglam Drungkhag. The Gewog center at Pretengma is connected by 6 km farm road. Tseri and dry land cultivation dominate the agriculture landuse. The gewog grows soya bean, maize, and other vegetables. The main cash crop is Orange and the farmers have also started growing Potential exists for horticulture development in ginger, cardamom, orange and cereal crops like mustard, millet, buckwheat and maize. The establishment of piggery and poultry farms, cooperatives has enhanced the income of the farmer. The constraints faced are lack of water for irrigation, crop damage by wild animals, farm labor shortage and post harvest losses. The gewog is popular for producing copper craft products like Dung, Jaling, lakhor (hand turn mini prayer wheel) and also for local Poe (incense stick) from Thonphu Gonpa. The gewog has a Gup Office with 10 staff which includes a Gup, Mangmi, GAO, Geydrung, caretaker and 5 Tshogpas. There are infrastructures like RNR centre, one BHU one Community Information center which provides services to the public. There are 6 numbers of community and private Lhakhangs with 95 Chortens.