Chhimung Gewog is located in the western part of Pemagatshel Dzongkhag with area coverage of approximately 52.8 square kilometers and it enjoys moderate climatic conditions generally with the exception of low altitude area which experiences extremely hot summer. The gewog consists of 5 chiwogs namely Lungkholom, Nyasikhar, Chhiphoong, Pangthang-Redingla, and Chhimung with a total of 18 villages. It has a population of about 1835 consisting consisting of 211 households. The gewog shares a border with Yurung Gewog in the east and Dungmin Gewog in the south. Tseri and dry land cultivation is prevalent with maize grown as the main cereal crop. Bananas and Gingers are also grown as the main cash crops. The Gewog has been facing the problems of drinking water and farming purposes. The settlements are widely scattered hampering any developmental activities. The incidences of wildlife depredation on crops are very high causing great loss to the farming community. Most of the settlements are at least one day walking distance from the Gewog Centre. It is connected by 65-kilometer farm road via Denchi and Yurung. The Gewog Center is located at Chhimung with a total of eight staff which include Gup, Mangmi, five Tshogpas, and Gewog Administrative Officers. There are basic infrastructures like a Primary Health Centre, one Sub post, one Community Information Center, 5 community lhakhangs, one ORC, one ECCD, and an RNR center. The Gewog has one primary School located at Chhimoong that has a total of 46 students, and 5 teaching staff, and also one extended classroom located at Nyasikhar. As the Gewog center is located at Chhimung, most of the sectors are situated here. The chhimung chiwog consists of five villages viz Takdzong, Marnang, Bawoong, Barkong, Regaynang, Khaidong, and Korkhang with a total population of 693.