Today coinciding with auspicious 20th of the 12th month of Bhutanese calendar and good Zakar, the oath taking ceremony and affirmation of offices for the elected members of 3rd Local Government of Pema Gatshel Dzongkhag was held at the Kuenray of Pema Gatshel Dratshang. The program was held as per the protocols set by the Ministry of Home and Culture Affairs and graced by venerable Lam Neten and Dasho Dzongda. It was attended by Dasho Drangpon, Regional and sectors heads of the Dzongkhag.
A total of 10 Gups, 11 Mangmis and 51 Tshogpas swore oath of allegiance.
The first sitting for the 3rd LG was postponed due to absence of a Gup who is currently under going quarantine. The DT Thrizin and Deputy Thrizin will be elected in the first sitting.
***Masks removed only for the purpose of photography.